Tie Balloons Together – Making Balloon Duplets, Balloon Quads, Balloon Clusters

Tie Balloons Together

Being able to quickly and efficiently tie balloons together is an essential part for any balloon decorator or even just a balloon hobbyist. If you want to create things with balloons, you are going to need to know how to tie balloons into balloon duplets, balloon quads, and balloon clusters.

What Is A Balloon Duplet?

A balloon duplet is simply tying two balloons while also tying them together in one step. A balloon duplet can save you time and money.

A balloon duplet is one of the many basic elements of balloon decorating. Once you have mastered the skill of making balloon duplets quickly and efficiently your other balloon creations will benefit greatly.

How To Tie Balloon Together – Balloon Duplet

Things You Will Need

  • Balloons
  • Balloon Pump

My favorite balloon hand pump is this dual action balloon pump made by Qualatex, you can find it here on Amazon.

Inflate The First Balloon

Using your balloon pump, inflate your first balloon. If you will be sizing your balloons manually, you will want to inflate your balloons a little bigger than the final size you would like your balloons to be.

If you want to size your balloons as you inflate your balloons, check out my post How To Size A Balloon Using A Balloon Hand Pump.

For this example, I used the balloon hand pump method to size my balloons. I sized my balloons to 5-1/2″ (14 cm) or three pumps.

Size The First Balloon

If sizing your balloons manually, let a little air out of the balloon until the balloon is the size you want it to be or as you size the balloon, depending on the sizing method you are using. For more information on how to size your balloons check out my post Best Way To Size A Balloon.

If you sized your balloons using the balloon hand pump method mentioned above, skip this step.

Inflate The Second Balloon

Secure the inflated (not tied) balloon with one of your fingers from the hand holding the balloon pump.

This will allow you to inflate the second balloon without letting the air out of the first balloon thus allowing you to tie both balloons at the same time.

Next, blow up and size your second balloon in the same way you did the first balloon.

Tie Balloons Together

And lastly, you are going to tie your two balloons together. Holding the necks of the inflated untied balloons cross the necks and wrap one of the balloon necks around the other twice, then stick that neck through the hole you just created.

It takes some practice to get this technique down but it’s pretty simple. Gently pull on the balloons to ensure a tight knot.


You did it! You made a balloon duplet!

All About Balloon Duplets

Balloon duplets can be made with any size balloon. And this versatile technique is used in many different balloon creations. Typically you will want the balloons to be the same size but in some cases, you would use different sizes of balloons it just depends on the effect you are going for. We will get into more on that later. You could also use a helium tank to make a duplet, again that would depend on what you were going for but for my example, I’m going to be talking about air-filled duplets.

Uses For Balloon Duplets

Balloon duplets are commonly used as the start of a balloon quad or a balloon cluster. Continue reading to learn all about balloon quads and balloon clusters.

How To Make A Balloon Duplet Video

Above, I showed you how to make a balloon duplet or tie balloons together in pairs. Now, I’m going to take it a step further and show you how to make a balloon quad or a balloon cluster.

What Is A Balloon Quad?

A balloon quad is four balloons tied together at the necks. Balloon quads are created when you tie two balloon duplets and twist them into a quad. Balloon duplets and balloon quads are fundamental elements of balloon decorating that can save you time and money once mastered.

A balloon quad is a base for a lot of different balloon decorations. Not only is a balloon quad vital to balloon decorating they are also super easy to make.

What Is A Balloon Cluster?

A balloon cluster is a group of balloons tied together at the necks. Similar to the balloon quad, in that, they are balloons tied together at the neck. A quad specifically refers to four balloons tied together, whereas a cluster can be any number of balloons tied together at the neck. Balloon cluster is a generic name.

How To Make A Balloon Quad

To make a balloon quad, start out with four balloons. Typically you would use four balloons the same size but in some cases, I have used different sized balloons. Using two (or more) different-sized balloons, is considered a more advanced technique. We will discuss this in more detail later. For this example, I will be using four balloons of the same size. Two of one color and two of another.

Things You Will Need

  • Two Balloon Duplets

Start out by making two sets of balloon duplets. If you need more information about how to make a duplet or what a duplet is, refer to the beginning of this article.

If you made a balloon duplet with me at the beginning of this article, you would only need to make one additional duplet.

Twist Together

Next, twist the two sets of duplets together to make a balloon quad.

What Are Balloon Quads Used For

Balloon quads are the foundation upon which many balloon creations are built. Without balloon clusters, you would be unable to create some of the many beautiful balloon creations.


Many balloon columns use balloon quads or balloon clusters as their structure. In this picture, you can see how each balloon quad is shown in a different color. For more information on how you can make a balloon column check out my post How To Make A Balloon Column.


Many balloon arches also use balloon quads and or balloon clusters as their structure. In this picture, each balloon quad consists of two purple balloons, one black balloon, and one silver balloon. For more information on how to make a balloon arch check out my post How To Make A Simple DIY Balloon Arch.


Balloon quads and or balloon clusters can also make great bases for many balloon centerpieces or other balloon decorations. In this picture, a balloon quad is used as the base for the duck balloon to stand up on.

Some other posts you might be interested are Unleash the Magic: A Proven Marketing Strategy To Get More Clients For Your Balloon Decorating Business, Exploring the Wonderful World Of Balloon Bouquets – Types Of Balloon Bouquets, Balloon Bouquet Ideas – Put The Art In Party!!!, and How To Untie A Balloon – Three Ways To Untie A Balloon.

I hope this post brought value to your day. If it did, please consider sharing with a friend or on your favorite social media. Thanks For Reading Fun With Balloons!

Christie @ FWB

I am the creator of the FunWithBalloons.net blog and the YouTube channel Fun With Balloons. I will show you step by step how to make different balloon decor such as; balloon columns, tabletop decor, centerpieces, and more.

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